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Transmissions are online zoom sessions where Luana takes you on an etheric journey to activate/awaken certain parts within you in order to connect and align yourself more with who you truly are.


The transmissions are inter-dimensional journeys where we travel to etheric places to connect with various places in other realms, connecting only with high-dimensional beings serving the highest good for humanity. In these journeys, healings can take place, activations, remembrance of different aspects of our divine selves, and it is also a way to develop more and connect with our extrasensory abilities.


Live zoom transmissions will be announced in the email list, where you can book in. So be sure to sign up for the newsletter to be notified of upcoming transmissions.


All transmissions are recorded and then placed in the online store. If you have missed a live zoom event you can always purchase it in the online store and relisten. Whether you do the journey live or through a recording both experiences will be equally valid. Time and space do not exist in these realms and you will benefit from this transmission equally regardless of your time of participation.

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