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Writer's pictureluana agtereek

Mirror work, a simple but yet powerful practice of self love.

Updated: Aug 1, 2021

If all the negative self talk would get written on our bodies would we still say it?

This is image is actually close to truth. All thought forms gets absorbed into our physical bodies, into our cells, and if we don't move them through it will create dis-ease in us to tell you a message you haven't seen yet in yourself. These body messages are opportunities for you to transform and align more with your higher self, and evolve as a human.

Mirror work is a powerful way to see the deep reflection of yourself. It allows you to connect with yourself and to really see you. A lot of resistance and emotions can come up while you do this but that is the whole purpose so we can gratefully shift these thoughts and emotions.

Start by sitting in front of a mirror and having your spine erect so your energy can travel through your spine. Relax into your breathing and gaze into your eyes. At the moment just allow thoughts to pass by without you attaching or entertaining them. Relax into your whole body. Maintain an awareness of your breath, it will help you to not get involved in your thoughts. Breathe with any feelings coming through, don't label them, just acknowledge and embrace them. Acknowledge yourself, tell yourself that you see yourself, you hear yourself, you are here for yourself and always will. Tell yourself how grateful you are for showing up to you. Think of all the other things you are grateful for of you. Tell yourself all the parts you love about yourself and forgive what you have been disliking of yourself and turn it into an affirmation.

There are these beautiful affirmations from the author Elizabeth Clare Prophet that you can repeat to yourself during your eye gazing that acknowledge the immaculate concept of your being. You can repeat them as many times as you want. I always repeat them in groups of 3 as I like to connect with the power of 3.

"I AM, I AM beholding ALL,

Mine eye is single as I call;

Raise me now and set me free,

Thy holy image now to be."

"I AM God's perfection manifest

in body, mind, and soul -

I AM God's direction flowing

to heal and make me whole!"

"I AM God's perfect image:

My form is charged by love;

Let's shadows now diminish,

Be blessed by comfort's Dove!"

If you have a trigger with the word God, due to religion, just simply replace it by any other word that you relate with as source creation/perfection, for example: Spirit, Light, Source, Creator(trix), etc.

You can even use Sanskrit mantras that relates to the perfection and beauty of our true being, or self made affirmations. Be creative and playful, it will just bring more joy and love in this process!

While gazing at yourself in the mirror RECEIVE the love you are giving to yourself you DESERVE it, you are WORTHY of this unconditional love, you are PERFECT and ACKNOWLEDGE the true power you are. The simple fact that you exist makes you worthy of love as you are born from this perfect source creation and have the power to create any reality you want to experience. Allow yourself to give this love to you always in all ways.

Once you start loving yourself more, life will mirror you back this love and you'll see magic everywhere and you'll recognize the power of love more. If you are like me and your face morphs in the mirror don't be afraid of it, keep breathing don't label and allow that mystery to unfold and show you what it needs, and have fun with it!

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