In our lives, we all have asked ourselves once, if not more, "what am I meant to do with my life?".
In fact, we are being encouraged or "programmed" since childhood to think of what we want to do when we grow up. Oftentimes, the thought of what we want to do in life has to do with a job to provide us money to provide a lifestyle. So, you grow up, get a job, and you are "lucky" if you like your job, or still like it 10 years later.
As the years go by you would start to wonder "Is this really me?", "Is this really what life is about?"; "what if there was more to life than what I'm doing now?". Restlessness kicks in, for some depression, frustration with life; all of that because you are feeling unfulfilled. Other times you might feel you have completed a chapter and now it is time for something else.
It is normal to think of all of this, to want more out of life, to know what you are really meant to do here on Earth. Many times this is your soul speaking to you. Your soul telling you "John/Mary, it is time to evolve".
So... What does it mean to "discover your soul's purpose"?
In essence, discovering your soul purpose is about getting to know your true self... period. This journey of getting to know yourself is your purpose here on Earth. In this journey, we start to unpeel the layers, the guard, all the belief systems that are not true, healing the wounded soul fragments, and coming back to union with your higher self - your divine self.
How can you expect to live your purpose if you are not trying to connect back to the core of what you truly are? Otherwise, we would be building a life based on illusions and distortions. Therefore, we have to clear, heal, and strips things back to fully shine from your authentic self.
It is in this process that we "discover", or better said "remember" what our gifts are. What our true abilities are and to use them from that pure state and authenticity. And as a dear sister told me once "they are not gifts, they are abilities that we have learned to master through many lifetimes", so here you go... own your magic abilities, you have worked hard for them!
What do we need to do to get started?
You will have to follow your heart. Very cliche, I know, but very much the truth. Your heart will guide you step by step. Our heart will speak through our body and it translates into feelings of lightness, excitement, elation, joy, pleasure, and a clear yes. These are the feelings we need to take note of on a daily basis to see where we are being guided to. In the beginning, it may feel difficult for some to follow these feelings as we never have been taught how to, it will take some time to rewire our new ways of acting and learn to recognize the voice of your heart. Remember, your inner voice, your heart is linked to your higher self, and your higher self is on top of the mountain and can see all the different pathways so it will always guide you to take the best step on the path. We can be stubborn and make mistakes, and take paths that are longer, which is ok, but best to start learning how to listen to your heart.
Secondly, be patient and have compassion with yourself on your journey. Our ego minds may want to rush us to be in certain places within ourselves, or to have accomplished certain things already. The thing is, you cannot rush the healing, everything has its own timing. Learn to be accepting of where you are at now and know that the fruits of your labor will be reaped at the right time. As a famous quote goes, "happiness is the journey, not a destination". Love yourself on the way, enjoy what you are doing now in your life, enjoy the process, see the love in the challenges, adjust and make the changes in your life as you move forward to align every new chapter with your heart.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. Obviously, it would be good to fully trust your own voice, your own guidance, hear the messages and your steps directly from your own source, but if you are not there yet or you need help to remember and strengthen these abilities, it is ok to reach out for help. If you need help with your healing, your challenges, and your upleveling reach out to mentors that you resonate and have a full-hearted yes with, do the courses, workshops, retreats, or see the healers and practitioners. The responsibility and the work will always still be in your hands to do. But outer guidance can certainly be helpful to shed light on your path. And, if you have had an unpleasant experience with any facilitators then learn from it, see what didn't work and what you do need, and then find someone else or a different way more suitable.
And most importantly, have trust and faith. Know that you are doing the work, that your abilities will develop and unfold. And, once you embody that true essence of yourself in your entirety you will find ways to be of service and share the magic in the most authentic way. Your people will be drawn to you and your wisdom. Again, remember, everything will come at its divine timing. Don't compare yourself to others, this is your unique journey where you are the head creative director.
So my love, be courageous, have love, faith, and trust that you will create this masterpiece called life with your own flavors. As that is our true purpose here on Earth: to evolve as a soul, and in this process share your abilities with others... And know that even your work in how you share is always changing and evolving because you are changing and evolving. So trust that calling when you hear it, don't hold back, and don't forget to have fun on the way.