Quantum Healing Frequency Medical Device
Healy is a Quantum Healing Frequency device that is TGA approved in Australia and FDA cleared in America for the treatment of pain and chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders and so much more.
Healy is a device that uses specific microcurrent frequencies to influence cellular functioning.
Frequencies affect cell signalling that then influences DNA (genes) epigenetically, and specific frequencies target specific genes which through research have been found to target specific areas for health and fighting disease. Genes that code for inflammation can be down-regulated so that inflammatory cytokines reduce dramatically, but stay in the normal range.
Healy’s work is based on Becker and Nordenstorm’s theory that “Many diseases and disorders of the body caused by the electric potential difference in the cell membrane Decreased unnaturally “ What this means is the electric potential difference between the cells and the spaces in that cell is too small Healthy cells show an approximate value of -70 millivolts (mV).
This lower electric potential (physical) causes the internal metabolic processes to malfunction. And is one of the reasons
Can cause health problems Healy is a miniaturised version of the TimeWaver device used for many years in Europe.
Healy was developed by Marcus Schmieke, the inventor of the TimeWaver Systems, in cooperation with an international team of doctors, scientists and engineers. After ten successful years with TimeWaver, it was his desire to make the therapeutic systems he has developed and the therapy protocols, which have been practically proven in many practices thousands of times, accessible to everybody. Controlled by a smartphone, Healy is the first wearable device that can treat a large number of illnesses. Its aim is to simply give you the frequencies you need at any given moment, whether you are at home, out and about, at work or in your leisure time. Use the Healy to treat many illnesses, for a mental boost, during sports, for wellness and beauty or to just “pick yourself up“. Healy is designed to assist your wellbeing and health if you suffer from acute or chronic illnesses like pain, depression, sleeplessness, cardio-vascular, intestinal neurological or stress/burnout symptoms and many others.
Holistic Systematic Long-Term
The 130,000 Nuno Nina gold frequencies are more than just a treatment. For 15 years Nuno Nina has successfully treated more than 45,000 patients with proven therapy protocols in his clinics worldwide. You will now find the same technology in the Healy, giving you direct access to all his expertise and experience.
Nuno Nina Gold Cycle
Pure - This program is designed to help your energy field recover from the bio-energy influence of environmental poisons, toxins, unhealthy food and other negative factors.
Care - “Care“ means “taking care“. We regard a weakened bio-energy field as one reason for many acute and chronic illnesses. Create the essential conditions for recovery and take precautions for a large number of bio-energy disruptions.
Energy - Anyone required to perform at constantly high levels needs regular help. Whether well-trained athletes, stressed managers or mothers with children – “Energy“ is designed to help us counter stress with bio-energy means.
Being - What the “Balance“ is designed to achieve for the body, “Being“ is designed to achieve for the mind: it is intended to help us recover our emotional balance.
Balance - The fine balance of the various bodily functions is very important for our wellbeing. “Balance“ refers to the bio-energetic balance of the kidneys, circulation, the lymphatic system and hormones and is ideal for a deep bio-energetic balancing of our own energy field.
Relax - Relaxation and anti-stress - just switch off and let go of everyday stress. Stress is often the cause of hyperacidity and imbalances in our bodies. In our experience, many illnesses are the result of continual stress.
Release - Pain has various different causes. For example, it may be a symptom of hyperacidity of our tissues. In addition to the Healy pain programs, you can use the “Release“ program of Nuno Nina‘s gold cycle. Work methodically in the bio-energetic field wherever pain occurs in the body.
Skin and Wounds
Healy also offers you ideal special applications for the skin and wounds to treat various conditions such as herpes or acne. This should provide you with rapid help for serious or acute problems.
Simple and Effective
Together with the Healy relaxation programs, these programs are an ideal combination that helps promote inner and outer beauty.
Support in Sport and Fitness
Many people regularly do sports as a healthy balance to an often stressful daily life or let Healy programs help you to lose weight, build up muscles or for regeneration, relaxation, performance, conditioning or circulation purposes.
The Healy fitness programs are designed to allow you to boost your performance and promote long-term success career or muscles performance, purposes, and goals.
Program group School and Study
Learning and Relaxing These days, even young people are under increasing stress: exam stress, psychological tension, grade stress, anxiety etc. Whether at school or college, young people are under great pressure to perform even before they start their working lives. This often manifests itself in concentration problems, burnout, addiction, compulsive neuroses or depression.
Active and Creative
Healy offers programs designed to assist the memory, concentration, learning difficulties, stress-reduction and creativity.
This allows school pupils and students – especially during exams – to benefit from the Healy technology.
The aim is to promote healthier and deeper sleep along with learning and concentration.
Easy handling
Whether you work in an office, play sports, are generally under a lot of stress, need to manage a household and children or have serious illnesses, the variety of Healy applications is unique and will help you in all these areas.
Quick and Easy
Healy is easy to use, you download the programs you purchased via a smartphone or tablet into your Healy device via wifi.
You can carry out your personal treatment easily with different electrodes. Special ear electrodes are well-suited for all support programs for the mind; the self-adhesive electrodes are particularly suitable for localised pain therapy; and the armband electrodes for the systemic treatment offered by Nuno Nina.
Through the science of quantum physics, the Healy can measure your individual frequency via a quantum sensor – then deliver back to you customised and specific frequencies to realign your cellular, emotional and/or energy centres back into
bioenergetic balance.
Healy can talk directly to your cellular energy. It can ask your cells what they need to heal and then deliver the exact frequencies your cells ask for – or “resonates with” to heal.
Biotechnology meets science meets spirituality
Healy currently delivers over 140,000 frequencies to assist you in the areas of pain, beauty, fitness, sleep, learning, emotional and mental wellbeing, chakras and meridians.
Sounds like magic – and we’d like to say it is. But it’s just science. Cutting edge science and technology created by a collection of conscious creators. It exists with no other like it on the market. It’s the next evolution of health, healing, learning and wellness as we know it.
Healy is a device that assists and protects our immunity.
Many Programs for Well-being and Balance
To give you an overview of what frequency therapy can do for you, and to enable you to only buy what you really need,
the Healy’s fields of application are organised into different program pages, covering various aspects of bioenergetic balancing. Each program page contains a number of programs for a specific application field, e.g. “Beauty” or “Job”.
You can choose one of several Healy editions. Each Healy Edition consists of the Healy hardware and a group of programs for a specific application field.
You can add more program pages to your Healy at any time should you need more features.
Healy is a holistic wellness device used to balance and support the body's bioenergetic field.
The Healy is made in Germany and dispatched from Singapore.
There are 4 packages, you can purchase any package that helps your needs.
If you purchase the Gold for example, you can upgrade to the next packages whenever you desire, here is
information regarding the packages, you also get the deep cycle with each package:
Healy Gold
Programs included:
Pure – Designed to support recovery from negative environmental influences, toxins and the effects of an unhealthy diet
Care – Immune system balance
Balance – Physical balance
Being – Emotional balance
Energy – Designed to activate more energy
Relax – Relaxation
*These are the foundational programs and contain all 144,000 frequencies
*Plus 1 other program page of your choice for FREE
*Plus the deep cycle programs
Cost in Singapore dollars: 715,00 SG$ incl. VAT
Healy Holistic Health
All of the Healy Gold programs plus:
Pain/Psyche (local stimulation) – Addresses anxiety, depression, migraine, back pain, chronic pain
Addresses discomfort in the body, helps support cartilage and joint function, and provides positive mental support. -
Bioenergy balance 1 + 2 – Supports the immune system, hormones, nerves, flexibility, joints, thyroid, cold, nerves, gastrointestinal, and much more.
Mental balance – Designed to enhance confidence, emotional balance, compulsive behaviour, addictions, blockages, cranial stimulation.
Meridians – This is Chinese medicine science and deals with Allergies, Connective Tissue, Bladder, large intestine, small intestine, fatty degeneration, gall bladder joints, skin, heart, hormones, circulation, liver, lungs, lymphatic, stomach, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and organs.
Sleep – Addresses exhaustion, adrenals, fatigue, bed rest.
Skin – Local scarring, local wounds, acne.
Cost in Singapore dollars: 1.435,00 SG$ incl. VAT
Healy Holistic Health Plus
All of the Healy Gold & Holistic Health programs plus:
Learning – Memory, concentration, exam, stress acute, stress system, learning acute through the central nervous system.
Be it at school or university. This way you shall absorb knowledge faster and easier. -
Fitness – Weight loss, stimulating organs that eliminate waste, muscle, circulation, performance, strength, stamina, regeneration, deep relaxation.
Job and sleep: Mental clarity, stress, balance nerves, fatigue, exhaustion system, exhaustion acute, sleep, balanced sleep, bed rest, fine flow.
Beauty: Inner beauty, hair, skin, ageing, nails, skin elasticity, local wounds, acne, scars.
Chakras: Energy systems.
Protection: General protection, cell, mental, electrosensitivity, sleeping, geopath, and subtle energies.
Cost in Singapore dollars: 2.150,00 SG$ incl. VAT
Healy Resonance
All programs included PLUS Analyses your body and gives you a readout
All Healy Holistic Health Plus programs (contains more than 120 programs on 16 program pages)
+ Healy Analyse app with Resonance and Aura module, The Resonance can read your body to let you know which program to use for health and the resonance analyses your aura for chakra balancing. Also gives you a reading of your
chakras and balances your chakras The Healy Resonance can analyse imbalances in our physical mental, emotional and energetic fields and recommends programs and frequencies to bring them back into balance.
Cost in Singapore dollars: 3.585,00 SG$ incl. VAT
Using Healy
Download the app. For the easy and convenient operation of Healy we provide you with a free app. Simply download the Healy app from the Google play Store or the Apple App Store. Install the Healy app on your smartphone and follow the instructions for setting it up. Synchronise Healy with your phone. Turn on your Healy and activate your smartphones Bluetooth connection. Follow the instructions given to you to access all of your Healy’s features.
Start a frequency program. All your programs are clearly displayed in the Healy app, also shows you how long the frequency program will be running, start the program and so the desired intensity, then your Healy provides you with the right frequencies.
The Healy Watch is a digital lifestyle wearable that measures and evaluates various vital parameters, providing optimal support for many life situations. The Healy Watch App analyses your body-mind-balance on the basis of the measured data and will find suitable Healy frequency programs for you.
With the monthly HealAdvisor Digital Nutrition subscription, you can quickly and easily find suitable Healy frequency programs for bioenergetic support in the absorption of substances from food and a personalised grocery shopping list is created.
Deep relaxation
**Healy is a wearable Quantum Healing Frequency Medical device, designed to assist with the relief of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine as well as for the adjuvant therapy of mental illness such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders. All other applications of Healy are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine.
**People with implantable electronic devices such as pacemakers, spinal cord stimulators and defibrillators ( devices that restore a normal heartbeat by sending an electric pulse or shock to the heart) and pregnant women and people with epilepsy cannot use the Healy Device.
**The content displayed by the HealAdvisor app (in the Resonance pack) does not constitute medical diagnoses and is meant as recommendations only. The medical diagnosis and treatment is the sole responsibility of medical professionals.
The Healy Watch is not intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose or prevent disease, but to support vitality and well-being.
The content displayed by the Healy Watch app does not constitute medical diagnoses and is meant as recommendations only.
The medical diagnosis and treatment is the sole responsibility of medical professionals. The displayed Healy programs are
only recommendations. In the case of diseases, the recommendations of the Healy Watch App must always be evaluated by a physician.
The content displayed by the HealAdvisor app does not constitute medical diagnoses and is meant as recommendations only.
The medical diagnosis and treatment is the sole responsibility of medical professionals. The displayed Healy programs,
substances and foods are only recommendations that depend on the user input. In the case of food intolerances,
allergies, incompatibilities or diseases, the recommendations of the HealAdvisor App must always be evaluated by a physician.
"I have have my Healy for over a week now and my experience is fantastic.
In 2017 I had thyroid cancer and as a result my whole thyroid was removed and since then I’ve been on hormone therapy daily and will be for the rest of my life. Being on HRT meant that I was constantly and permanently swollen in my face, neck,
legs and my hands. My shoe Size is 7 but since 2017 my new size is 9 and sometimes even 10. When I got my Healy for
the first week every day the scan recommended me 70%+ Pure from Gold Program, sometimes I was annoyed because
I wanted to try something different, I even thought that my Healy is broken. But I followed up as I should and soon I realised that my face is less puffy, I can feel bones in my feet, my ankles are visible and all my shoes are too big!
Yay! My 3 years old swelling is going down after 1 week!
My other problem was sleeping, I slept very short and shallow sleep and was very tired during the day having
a thinking cloud to the point that even giving my home address was difficult to remember.
From the first night my sleep has improved! Now I am having very deep and restful sleep, the cloud is gone and the other day I could memorise the whole mobile number I was dialing, I couldn’t remember 2 consistent numbers before this.
One more very positive outcome is very sharp clear thinking, I love it!
I don’t know how my Healy works but this is fricken amazing 😉 and is only a little over a week. 😊😊😊😊
I love my Healy ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤️" - This lady has the Healy Resonance package, it has a scanner where it scans
you and lets you know which program to run - from the Healy Experience on Facebook
"Hello all just wanted to do a quick update on my Healy experience. I suffer from Lyme's disease and migraines.
I have been using Healy for about 12 days now. I am absolutely amased at my experience.
I have energy that I haven't felt for years. My aches and pains have diminished tremendously
and I have not had a migraine in the time I have been using Healy. I have had one dull headache
used the Healy release program and was gone by the next day. Usually I would be in bed for 3-4 days.
My quality of life has changed so dramatically!!!! I have used Pure, Release, Balance,
Skin and Bacteria programs for the last 12 days. I have also used Hormonal Balance.
Wishing everyone all the best using their Healy's we are truly blessed to have such technology!
Love and Blessings to all! ✨🦋✨- from the Healy Experience on Facebook
Contact me if you wish to discuss which Healy package is right for you